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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Evil Eye

Again I find myself two weeks behind on posting. I just don't know where the time goes these days. So 2 weeks ago when I was off I took 1 million pictures. Norah was great for the first half of the week. She started giving high fives and kisses to both of us. She was being exceptionally cute and crazy. Maybe it was the codine, maybe the change from not being in day care. Whatever the case in the later part of the week she really began to test me and I had to really set the "no" boundary. Up until that point we would say no a few times and then remove her from the situation. All of a sudden it started clicking with her and she got M.A.D. She started giving me really dirty looks. I had to call Barnabas at work and tell him and then just to make sure he knew what I was talking about I got the camera out and snapped away.

Happy girl.
Here she is screaming some baby obscenity at me.
Tippy toes.
Okay, this is where it starts. We do not want her chewing on the coffee table anymore. It surpassed cute a month ago and became annoying. Our pet bunnies live in the basement because at some point we were sick and tired of the furniture being eaten, and since I can't put the crazy baby in the basement she must learn NOT to eat the furniture. So at this point she is being okay and just gibbering to me...
Then she tried to eat the table (I missed that part) and I said "NO".
And she started yelling more nasty sounding gibberish at me.

What a face. I really had to try hard not to laugh.
And she goes in for another bite but fakes me out.
Then, not 5 seconds later, she is all smiles.
And blowing raspberries.
And giggling at god knows what.
Mom, look how cute I am!!

And then she is back at that damn table. She somehow thinks licking it will not result in me saying NO... she was sorely mistaken.
The mother of all evil eyes. Dude, seriously? She is 11 months old!
WHY WHY WHY do you keep doing that crazy baby??
Peeking out from level 2.
Obviously still testing the boundaries.

So then the next day we started out in a good mood again. I don't know if I have mentioned it on here but Norah has some weird obsession with Landon Pigg. He is a singer, not very popular, but back in March about a month after we got home from Viet Nam I downloaded his video "Falling in love at a coffee shop" onto our TIVO. Anytime I played it she would completely stop what she was doing in her Exersaucer and turn to watch the TV. She would not make a sound the entire time and go back to whatever she was doing the minute it ended. It was nice to be able to leave the room for 4 minute stretches to rotate laundry or go to the bathroom. Then it turned into a good distraction for when daddy left for work or when she was crying during a diaper change. It calmed her down immediately. Now she is obsessive about her Landon. I downloaded a second video a few weeks ago and every time she hears the TIVO bleep she fixates on the TV. If I do not play the video she screams at the TV or beats it. If I do play the video she crawls to the TV and attaches to it like glue. She goes ballistic if I pause the video for any reason.
Here she is glued to Landon.
She is totally in love with him. I have no other explanation for it. I would love to see what happen if we could meet him in person. After 5 months one would have thought this fascination would have dwindled but it is just as strong as ever.
Being cheeeeeesy.
And here we go again with the table eating..
This day I got nasty words, dirty looks and a temper tantrum.
She made this face and then looked at me to see if I would suddenly allow the table eating. No such luck.

For Pete's sake!
Then later that afternoon, friends Liz and Mikey visited. Again we had happy Norah.
Always trying to rip off noses.
Speed crawling.

And finally on Friday the 18th Norah and I went to my company picnic. She was tired and hot and not in the best of moods, big surprise.
Picking grass and trying to eat it.
Making new friends.
Visiting with co-worker Terri. I think she was the only person who Norah allowed to hold her besides myself.
Terri distracted her with jewelry.
And then happy again to be home in the air conditioning.

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