Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, April 11, 2008

1 week later

Norah is still healing from her surgery and doing pretty well considering. I swear I think this week has been harder on us than it has on her. It is rough cleaning her nose all the time and of course she hates it. We are having to re-learn how to feed her without being covered in baby food. She is breathing mostly through her mouth because of the nose tubes so if you feed her on an exhale watch out. It is like when they sneeze and food goes everywhere, except it can happen 10 times a meal. =) I think the hardest thing for me so far is missing her smile. She used to grin so big, from ear to ear and it just melted our hearts. She still has a beautiful smile, even all scabby, but it's so much smaller now and you don't see her dimples as much. I know these surgeries are in her best interest as she grows but we loved her so much just the way she was. Development wise, she still isn't crawling or making much of an effort at scooting either. She prefers standing to anything other than being held. She is working more on her M & R sounds and may have possibly said mama yesterday but I am sure it was not intentional. Oh, and on Tuesday she learned to lick her lips. As with any newly discovery she did it over and over again which make breakfast extremely difficult that morning but then it was old news by the end of the day and I have hardly seen her do it since. Anyway, gremlin has awoken so I better get to the pics.

Tuesday 4/8 (5 days after surgery) when the steri-strip fell off. I still couldn't clean the wound until the next day.

Such a poser.
"She will keep her hands out of her mouth after surgery because it will hurt her." ... Yeah, right!Her new smile. Still beautiful.Thursday 4/10 - 1 week since surgery

She was soooo good last night while we were eating dinner and played in her Exersaucer for 45 minutes. She is always happy when mommy and daddy are together and the sun is out. Because the sun makes a difference!!! Yep, seriously, she hates rainy days.Miss Pokey Dots (because that is what you do with them, poke them, you don't do the polka, that would be stupid) ready for bed. Oh, and standing of course.


Stacie said...

It's good that she's smiling at least! What a little trooper she is!

Wynne said...

Danielle, Thanks for leaving the info about accessing the tunnels in HCMC in my blog. I have been following your blog in country and during your home transition including sweet little Norah's brave encounters. Best of luck to you three. What a sweet family. - Wynne

Dawn said...

WOW, what a difference a week makes! She looks wonderful and as adorable as ever! If only my aunt could see babies like your daughter. She is 55 and was born with a cl (cp?). She had it finally completely fixed a few years ago. She had many surgeries as a child, but her lip was never as good as Norah's until her last surgery, as an adult...considered "cosmetic".