This was at a Thai restaurant (yummmmmmmmy).
Hue definitely took good care of us all.
These trees are maintained throughout the year and controlled so that they will all bloom on the first day of Tet.
Our little pink-striped inmate.
On the road to the airport.
This ad was EVERYWHERE in Hanoi.
Looking over all the pictures, it was funny that this was the last picture we took (this was at the Hong Kong airport) until we got home. ComPLETEly exhausting trip back home. Norah was great (there was an hour between Hong Kong and L.A. where she was crying, but otherwise she was great) but after all the madness of Vietnam, all of those flights with the layovers and the security checkpoints were just too much. Don't even get me started on LAX airport. Seriously. If you can ever avoid LAX, avoid it. Seriously.
I had my one near-breakdown going through the security checkpoint at LAX. After getting our bags (you have to check your bags to LA since they must be taken through customs), going through customs (to get Norah into the country there is a packet of information that must be given to them) and waiting in line to check in for the flight (all of this took about two hours or so) I was DONE. We finally got all checked in and had to go through security. We walked up (Norah is strapped onto my chest as we had spent most of our trip) to the security checkpoint. Norah is starting to cry. Not fuss, but cry. I had my laptop bag on me, so the laptop had to come out. Oh yeah, we're in the States again where our freaking SHOES have to be taken off. We had travelled through however many countries that don't require the super-duper-extra-secure step of removing SHOES, so I had forgotten about this. So, Norah's crying, laptop has to come out of the bag, gotta take off my shoes. I don't know. I was very close to screaming and telling the security guy to shove off (a much less polite version of what I was thinking) but I figured it wouldn't be the best move on my part. Deep breaths saved the day.
Anyway, we made it back home. All in one piece and life is different, but somehow the same--or at least it is as it should be.
Oh my gosh. I am remembering the last part of our trip/getting home right now. We were the same - by the end, we were ready to leave, but shortly after getting home, we wanted to get back. And yeah, I almost had a meltdown in LAX. We waited in that line for SO long and it was SO hot and there were SO many smelly people shoving and pushing. It was horrible. And we were so close, yet so far! And not a single flight was delayed our entire trip home...except the one from LAX to Phoenix. Go figure. We sat on the runway for over an hour. Stupid 70 minute flight and we sat on the runway for almost that long. Our last photo was taken the night before we left - nothin' until we got home. It was bad! :) Okay, I'm done going on and on. You just got the old memory goin'!
Glad you made it home. Our trip home was hell. Elia didn't sleep much at all and it was a LONG flight. UGH!
It wasn't so bad that we wouldn't do it again though, we are looking forward to starting our next adoption and can't wait to travel to Vietnam again either to adopt or just for a vacation. Norah is so adorable. She reminds me a lot of Elia. I think it's the big beautiful eyes- so expressive.
Enjoy life as a family of 3!!!
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